Friday, June 26, 2009

Sorry its been so long!!!

“Oh father, it’s beautiful!” She exclaimed as she fastened the necklace around her neck. Her father smiled warmly at her just as her brother Hero burst through the door. “Look what I got for the birthday girl!” He exclaimed, holding up a small cloth bag.

Allana smiled as Hero dumped the contents of the bag into her hand. She carefully examined the small rock.

“A rock?” She asked glumly? “No! well, it is a rock, but not just any rock! It’s a sunstone!” Her blank stare made him continue. “Now that you’ve touched it, all you have to do is hold it in your hand and it will glow!” Allana stared at the rock suspiciously. “Glow? Are you sure?” Hero opened his mouth to argue with her when the village bell began to sound. They all turned toward the sound.

“Hero, take Allana to the cave! “ Her father exclaimed, grabbing a pitchfork. He noticed Allana’s worried face. “Don’t worry, it’s probably that pack of wolves that came by a few months back.” She nodded as Hero guided her outside and over the hillside.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Alright, here is my first post!!! Obviously this is only a first draft, so ignore the spelling and grammar problems! Enjoy!

The small village of Ris sat in a low valley of the Tork Mountains. Spring had just settled in and the town was full of people bustling about their business. A small wiry girl set her bag of food down to tie back her chestnut hair. Hefting the bag of food once more, she headed back towards her small cottage.
"Hero!" She called out, "I'm back with the food."
Her father stepped out of the cottage. "Hero went to sell the last of the milk. Come here Allana, I want to show you something." He stepped back inside the house. She quickly walked inside and put the food on the table. Her turned to her and withdrew his hand from his pocket. "This was your mother's most prized possession. It was the only item she had on her when we found her."
Found her? Allana didn't understand. Her thoughts must have showed on her face because he said "My hunting party found her one day; she was barely breathing. She didn't remember how she got there or anything about her past. But enough about the past. Happy Birthday Allana!" He opened his closed fist out to her. A silver chain with an orb about the size of a marble fastened to it. The orb was a rich purple color, and almost seemed to glow when she looked at it.